Ep 27: Navigating Your North Star: Turning Vision into Achievable Goals

Are you ready to turn your vision into actionable goals and overcome roadblocks on the path to success? In this episode, discover the importance of creating a clear vision for your future and the role it plays in providing direction and purpose. Explore the concept of “chunking down” as a strategy to break down […]
Ep 22: Creating Certainty Within: The Neuro Hack for Leadership and Success

Ever find yourself seeking certainty in external factors like government decisions or relationships? What if the key to certainty lies within? In this episode, discover the neuro hack for creating internal certainty – a compelling vision for the future and OPC (Other People Centeredness). Learn why making your endeavors about others is the secret […]
Ep 18: Authentic Energy: Embracing Your Core Values

It’s time to cut through fluffy, meaningless values and uncover what truly drives you. Many of us have encountered workplaces with empty values plastered on the wall, but in practice, no one embodies them. In this episode, we delve into the importance of values, especially the ones that elevate your energy levels. Find out how […]
Ep 17: Motivation Strategies: Do You Move Towards or Move Away?

What truly motivates us? Is it the attraction towards something desirable, or is it the aversion to something we want to avoid? These questions are at the core of our discussion in this episode, where we explore the fascinating concept of motivation and how it shapes our choices. You’ll learn the power of moving […]